As all of us fashionistas are aware, last weekend was NY Fashion Week. I remember watching Project Runway in my pre-teen years and always wanting to go in the tents just like the top designers. It has always been a dream of mine to go to fashion week and be able to go into the tents. Last weekend, part of this dream came true. I got the opportunity to be part of fashion week! As some of you know me personally, you may know I am jot a 6foot gorgeous, skinny model. Instead of walking the catwalk, we skated the ice. Or as we figure skaters call it, perform a program. We would be skating in the 2012 fall collection.
We received the email the week of the show with minimal details. I literally had a heart attack when i found out. This ensued screaming and jumping like a mad women. We were not allowed to say what we were doing for publicity reasons. If this wasn't the case I would of totally made a billboard out of excitement.
The day before the actual show, we had regular practice. We had practice from 9am to 430pm.. It was a very long day and after we were allowed to (finally) get out of the rink and get dinner. We were at the hotel by 8pm. As soon as we were all accounted for we had the nearly hour bus ride into the city. We arrived in Central Park and had a long trek to Wollman Rink. Of course, this night has to be one of the coldest nights of the year with the temperate in the teens to single digits. We arrived at the rink to be given our credentials or backstage passes for the fashion show. Then we made the long trek back to the bus. We had a moment of 'wow that was quick' and 'I guess we are done already'. These thoughts were short lived and this was not the case. We were actually early and this was the only the beginning of our night. We took the bus around the city and got to see some of the hot spots the city has to offer. We went pass Times Square, 5th Ave, and the Lincoln Center just to name a few.

We arrived back to Central Park at about 10pm and had to make the hike to the rink. It was a half sprint to keep warm. For those that do not know about Wollman Rink, it is an outdoor rink with a tiny building on the side with seating, bathrooms, and rentals. There's a bridge and patio that overlooks the rink so you can watch. We got a chance to met the rest of the cast along with the team and our choreographer. The other performers included ice skaters and dancers, hockey players, and even skate guards. Our choreographer was not a skater and has worked with Britney Spears and all of these celebs. Next, we recieved ribbons to show which group we were in along with inner ears. These inner ears let us hear the choreographer along with the music. After this we went and waited, or started the freezing process. We aren't allowed to bring any extra clothing then what was on our packing list. Most of us just had maybe a pair of tights, under armor pants, tank top, jacket, and parka. When it is below freezing and it actually snowed that night we froze. They gave out hand warmers and hot chocolate that ran out quite quickly. While we waited we were forced to keep moving in order to stay warm. Soon enough it was after 11pm and we were allowed to get our skates on. The choreography we learned was for the finale. The rest had to learn their programs but our coach had done that for us during previous practices. I admit, there was a lot of waiting around. It felt like we were doing a majority of our waiting outside in the cold.We did have two people that were amazing and so cheerful. I forget their names but when we were divided into 'Team Awesome' and 'Team Fierce' it made the standing around more fun. While we waited we started this conga line of rubbing each others arms to stay warm. This was almost useless and we were so cold that we were numb. We had girls crying from being so cold! I know my feet could of been chopped off and I wouldn't have even realized it. I guess the tears froze or I was too cold cry. These rehearsals lasted from 11pm-3am. We finished the choreography and it was pretty simple so no worries that we would forget. As soon as rehearsals were over we threw off our skates and ran to the bus. When we walked to the rink hours before the puddles in the sidewalk were just water but on our run back they were frozen over! In those few hours the water had frozen, and we were outside nearly that entire time (this shows just how cold it was).. I believe the majority of us fell asleep on the hour bus ride back from exhaustion. By the time we got into our rooms it was after 4am and we had to be up at 8am. My room blasted the heat in order to help with the unthawing process.

We had breakfast by nine and were packed and out of the hotel by ten. We had a nicer bus from Mercedez-Benz that apparently the Giants had used for the Superbowl Parade the week before. (The celeb status continues! JK) We drove to were we had fittings which were being held at this art gallery. Being on the highest level team we were the last to go and had to wait for what seemed like forever before we got turn to get ready. It seemed extra long to me since I was so excited to see the collection. We went into the fitting room and got a chance to meet the designer. We lined up in height order and he seized us up. This was almost intimidating especially since he wasn't speaking English. He picked out the outfits we were going to be wearing and we got changed. There were some amazing pieces to the collection and the fur pieces were so outrageous that they were maj. I got what we liked to call the puffer marshmallow jacket. (It would actually be really adorable with jeans and boots). Along with the jacket we had a turtleneck, hat, black pants, leg warmers, and glottens (glove/ mitten combo). The gloves had the thumb and pointer finger as regular gloves and the rest of the fingers were in mitten form. The gloves went all the way up to the elbow. They were insane! I have never seen anything like them before. Next step was the makeup. They covered every imperfection and made us look angelic with really clean, light skin. We had a touch of mascara and that was all the makeup.
We took the bus to the rink and had practice. We ran our programs a few times. Next, was rehearsal for the ending. Finally, we were told we had a thirty minute break before we ran the whole show. We got off our skates, waited a bit and the skates went back on. The wait was much longer then thirty minutes and my feet were nonexistent from the numbness. This rehearsal was a full runthrough as if it was the show. At this time it was dusk and it even started snowing! It felt like you were in a snowglobe, it was magical. We were quickly fed chicken fingers or dumblings. While in line for food or just walking around you had people poking and proding at you. They were people fixing your hair to make sure it was all in your hat and then others doing makeup. It was like an actual runway show. It started to get crazy! There was yelling, people running around, and so many people doing a hundred different jobs to make sure the show was perfect.

The next few days I stalked the webs for anything I could find about the show. Every article had great things to say about the show. They loved the skating and it couldn't of been a more perfect presentation even if it was cold and snowy. I would like to say that Moncler has the WARMEST jackets I have ever worn. Even during the snow and laying on the ice I was never cold. I actually was sweating at points. Now, I'm going to need to get one of these jackets! Unfortunately, we didn't get to keep the outfits :(.
Thanks Moncler for a great show and opportunity!

And here are some quotes from some of the guests appearances and writers!
"Most Spectacular Show: Moncler"
"Okay, I admit it; the freezing temperatures and last-minute snow flurries had me a bit leery. But those of us who braved the elements were rewarded with an original and charming Moncler Grenoble fall 2012 presentation Sunday evening at the Wollman Rink in Central Park. It was impossible not to get caught up in the moment—albeit a cold one," as per Vogue.
"The bitter cold and snow-stirring breeze at Central Park’s Wollman Rink made the quilted, down-filled pieces in the Moncler Grenoble collection that were presented on the ice look even more enviable to all the onlookers huddled next to the heaters. One hundred and fifty Moncler-clad skaters put on a mesmerizing synchronized performance that ended with the whole lot down for the count," as per NY Times.
"Manhattan's night skyline made for one of the more off-beat and sensational New York Fashion Week displays. Instead if strutting down the runway, wide, elegant skating strides showed off the winter woolies to the best of their abilities, with the pro skaters moving in rhythm, performing spins, dips and lifts to the upbeat music and crowds of guests," as per Daily Mail UK.
"Between the music, the lights, and the fashion on ice, it's safe to say the show offered one of Fashion Week's more dazzling spectacles, drawing a varied crowd -- from Liz Hurley and Tinsley Mortimer to Scott Schuman, a.k.a. The Sartorialist," as per NBC NY.
"It was a magical moment when Moncler Grenoble illuminated Central Park’s winter trees with vibrant color and sent 150 snowproof outfits onto the ice ring. It was magic — and fashion — on ice, " as per NY Times.
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