"A fashion is merely a form of ugliness so unbearable that we are compelled to alter it every six months," Oscar Wilde. As we know in fashion there are plenty of trends and styles that we experiment with. Some of these trends are totally hot and can be transformed for each season. Some of them should not be worn at all nor should you be seen in public with them in public. These trends should be burned or buried immediatly! Here are ten (horrible) trends these celebs were photographed in. Instead of wearing them maybe they should action them off for charity..

Guys in tank tops.
The picture on the left is actually my brother. Unfortunately, I could not find any celebrities in tank tops since all celebrities are hot with good bodies. Skinny, gangly boys should not be wearing tank tops especially when they have a farmers tan! It looks sloppy and way to hicksville. If you are like Taylor Lautner, pictured right, then I give you permission to wear tank tops or go shirtless.
If you go out with a white shirt and brightly colored bra people will know be able to see. As pictured on Drew Barrymore, you can see her neon green bra. Any bra-age can be tacky and slutty. Bra straps showing, bra peeking out of your shirt, and just wearing a bra alone are all bad trends.
Mom Jeans.
Jessica Simpson came under critique for her mom jeans back in 2009. I still see mom jeans around two years later and this trend won't die! Ladies, there are plenty of other style of jeans that are cute and comfortable like the boyfriend jeans and jeggings. Mom jeans are a no, even if you are technically a mom it doesn't give you an exception to wear them.
Sweatpants with sayings on the booty.
This photo has three of the worst trends: sweatpants, short Uggs, and sweatpants tucked into uggs. I admit, I used to wear the sweatpants with Juicy or a clothing stores name on my booty. That was a few years ago and back when my booty was half the size it is now. This trend was popular a few years back and was a way to show off the booty while being in sweats. I'm all for sweats but keep them simple. Please don't wear sweats tucked into Uggs, it's not stylish or cute.
Gaudy Jewelry.
If you watch "Jerseycilicious" or "Jersey Shore", the people from NJ have a bad reputation when it comes to fashion. The latest trend for these Jersey girls is the oversized, statement jewelry. Olivia, pictured above, is from the show "Jerseylicious" and is a fashion disaster. From her lip necklace to her ten bedazzled animal rings it is just tacky. This fad needs to die so us Jersey girls aren't known as the fashion disasters of the world.
To Short Shorts.
The latest jean fad is to wear your jean shorts super short. It is to the point that we know what kind of underwear you are wearing, how you're shaved down there, and what down there looks like. Miley Cyrus may be blowing out her candles but someone behind her just got a show of her butt cheeks! This trend should be burned. Girls, make your shorts a bit longer and cover the goods!The Shredded Shirt.
I can't fathom how someone can walk out of the house when they look like an animal attacked them, I feel the need to call animal control! I get it's sexy to show skin with cutouts but when it looks as though an animal or a pair of scissors went to town on your outfit then this trend needs to stop. You spent money on a shirt that is destroyed, that makes a lot of sense.

Clown Makeup.
As girls, we love to wear makeup to enhance our beauty. Sometimes our makeup trends can go a little overboard and we look like a one women circus. We're not sure if these celebs are clowns or oompa loompas! Leighteen Meester, pictured right, goes for the vampire white look with the bright red lips and purple/ gold eye shadow. I'm not sure whether she's on the red carpet or she's Bozo the clown. Snooki, pictured left, goes for the overly bronzed skin and smokey eye. Willy Wonka called and wants his oompa loompa back. Girls, let your natural beauty show!
Thong sticking out, AKA Whale Tail.
I know fashion mishaps do happen but when your thong is that much out of your booty then this is no mistake. This fashion trend was big in the early 2000's and can still be spotted today. This whale tail or thong sticking out of your pants is appalling and not sexy. Underwear is supposed to be worn under close, hence the underpants.
Weather Confused.
And last but not least, the trend of getting your seasons mixed up in your style. Snooki, pictured above, has winter fur boots on her feet but jean shorts on with it. Then you have the girls that wear shorts with hoodies. I am not sure if these people are bipolar or just can't decide what season they want to dress for. This trend needs to die ASAP so we can all know which season we are in and know that these people are not mentally insane.
Keep it classy fashionistas!
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